SoulPad Portal

One platform for all things SOULS OF MΞTΛ!

Enter SoulPad Portal via this link and experience the following features:

To start using SoulPad you will need to connect your Web3 wallet in the top right corner and some features will also require you to create an account and log in. This account is the same one that you will use to log in to our Fun-2-Earn game.

The recent update brought the WalletConnect option to SoulPad! Now it is even easier to connect your wallet both on desktop and mobile.

My Dashboard

This is the main place for every player to review his Fun2Earn, Win2Earn, and Refer2Earn statistics. There are several important elements available on the Dashboard:

  • User Name — your in-game name (the same that you use to log in to the SoulPad Portal and the game).

  • If you registered through the invite link, the invitee User Name will appear in the “Invited by” section.

  • Lifetime SMP Earned — is the total amount of SMP that you earned in the Fun2Earn PvE Progression mode of the game.

  • Lifetime Win2Earn Payout — is the total amount in BUSD that you earned in Win2Earn PvP Arena mode of the game.

  • Lifetime NFT Ref Sale — the total amount in BUSD of sold NFTs through your referral link in the Refer2Earn system.

  • Lifetime NFT Ref Reward — the total amount you earned in BUSD for selling NFTs through your referral link (the 5% of Lifetime NFT Ref Sale).

  • Monthly SMP Earned — is the amount of SMP that you earned this month playing the Fun2Earn PvE Progression mode of the game.

  • Monthly Win2Earn Ref Payout — is the amount in BUSD that you earned this month playing Win2Earn PvP Arena mode of the game.

  • Monthly NFT Ref Sales — the amount in BUSD of sold NFTs through your referral link this month in the Refer2Earn system.

  • Monthly NFT Ref Reward — the amount you earned in BUSD for selling NFTs through your referral link (the 5% of Monthly NFT Ref Sale) this month.

  • Referral details — includes the list of your referrals who joined Souls of Meta through your invite link. Here you can see their Usernames and the amount of BUSD that you received from each of them.

Learn more about how you can earn in BUSD by selling SOM NFTs through our brand new Refer-2-Earn system in this article.

Play Win2Earn

To play the most fun and competitive Win2Earn PvP Arena mode you need to buy Gladiator Badges. Visit Play Win2Earn page on SoulPad Portal to get yourself some Gladiator Badges and join the fight!

This page also shows your PvP Arena statistics:

  • User Name — your in-game name (the same that you use to log in to the SoulPad Portal and the game).

  • Tickets Balance — the amount of Gladiator Badges that you currently own.

  • Lifetime Played — the total amount of PvP Battles that you have played.

  • Lifetime Wins — the total amount of PvP Battles that you have won.

  • Monthly Played — this month's amount of PvP Battles that you have played.

  • Monthly Wins — this month's amount of PvP Battles that you have won.

More information about Win2Earn PvP Arena mode is available in this article.

Get NFTs for Fun2Earn

This is a Marketplace where users can mint playable NFTs like Characters, Weapons, and many more to come in the future.

Huge Festive Holiday Seasonal discounts are currently available! Get your NFTs now to start your Fun2Earn journey in Souls of Meta game!

Here is an overview of currently available Non-Genesis NFT collection details:

The higher the NFT tier — the bigger the SMP farming bonus is.

You can now trade SOM NFTs on the TofuNFT marketplace! More information is available in our announcements.

View my NFTs

This page displays all your SOULS OF MΞTΛ NFTs from any of the 3 collections available in your currently connected Web3 wallet:

  • Genesis Binance

  • Genesis

  • Non-Genesis

Be patient, as the metadata may take some time to load and display.

After you’ve purchased your NFTs you have to visit this section and make sure they are showing up properly. In this case, your NFTs will appear in the game and you can play. More information on how to start your Fun2Earn journey and enter the PvE Progression mode available in this guide here.

Claim SOM tokens

If you participated in SOULS OF MΞTΛ Private or Public sale or won $SOM tokens in our competitions — they will be vested and shown in this section. You can check the vesting schedule here and Claim your tokens once they get available.

Then we recommend you Stake your $SOM tokens on BitMart to get up to 80% APY and multiply your hard-earned tokens!

Last updated