Weapons NFTs Drop

Get NFTs on SoulPad or Binance NFT.

After INO only Normal tier NFTs will be available to mint at a fixed price. Other tiers can only be purchased through the Secondary Marketplace using $SOM or upgraded within the game.

Date: 19th & 21st of July

Launchpads: BitMart, Galler, Babylons, NFTb, and SoulPad

Quantity: 3276 NFTs

Unique Weapons: 6

Floor Price: 80 BUSD (worth of SOM)

Tiers: N, R, SR, SSR

Generation: User can select the tier / Mystery Boxes

Genesis perks:

  • 5% SMP token farming bonus (stacks with Tier bonus)

  • a Genesis Pedestal beneath the weapon, confirming unique status.

Tiers SMP farming bonus:

N - 0% R - 5% SR - 7.5% SSR - 10%


There are 3276 NFTs of Genesis Playable Weapons to collect in the weapon INO. We will introduce 6 visually unique weapons, each having 546 copies. Despite copies being the same visually, they will have different tiers. You will be able to purchase your Genesis Playable Weapon NFTs at a floor price of 80 BUSD worth of SOM each. Each Weapon will have its own attributes (in accordance with the NFT attributes section of this Gamepaper). Most importantly, the tier of your NFT can be selected only on INO (consult the NFT Rarity section of this Gamepaper for a rarity overview).

Last updated